Public Hearing 15: 13 July 2023

On 13 July 2023, the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes will hear oral evidence from General Counsel of the NSWPF, Natalie Marsic.

Ms Marsic will be questioned about an affidavit she provided the Inquiry on 26 June 2023, in response to the late production of records by NSWPF in a number of cases being looked into by the Inquiry.

This affidavit addresses the searches undertaken by the NSWPF for documents for every case that the Inquiry has considered and presented as documentary tenders, as well those cases scheduled to proceed to a documentary tender in the coming weeks.

It also outlines the documents, exhibits and other material considered by officers in relation to Strike Force Parrabell and those cases still unsolved.

The public proceeding will commence at 2pm on 13 July 2023 at the Chief Secretary’s Building, Level 2, 121 Macquarie Street, Sydney. It is open to the public and will be livestreamed via the Inquiry’s website.

The Honourable Justice John Sackar will preside at the hearing. Counsel Assisting the Inquiry will be Peter Gray SC.

All inquiries regarding this hearing should be directed to [email protected]


