The Inquiry’s second public hearing is scheduled to recommence on Thursday, 21 September 2023, for approximately two weeks. This stage of the hearing will take place at the Chief Secretary’s Building, Level 2, 121 Macquarie Street, Sydney. The hearing is open to the public and will be live streamed via the Inquiry’s website.
The Inquiry will hear from senior NSW Police officers involved in Strike Forces Parrabell, Neiwand and Macnamir.
The following witnesses will be called to give oral evidence in this stage of the hearing:
Thursday, 21 September at 10am - Detective A/Sergeant Cameron Bignell – Officer in charge, Strike Force Parrabell.
Monday, 25 September at 10am - Former Detective Chief Inspector Stewart Leggat – Team Leader, Strike Force Macnamir and Investigation Coordinator, Strike Force Neiwand.
Detective Sergeant Alicia Taylor – Unsolved Homicide Team.
Tuesday, 26 September at 10am: Former Detective Chief Inspector John Lehmann – Investigation Coordinator, Unsolved Homicide Team.
Wednesday, 4 October at 10am: Non-sitting day
Thursday, 5 October at 9am: Former Detective Chief Inspector Pamela Young – Investigation Supervisor, Strike Force Macnamir.
Friday, 6 October at 10am: Former Deputy Commissioner Michael Willing – Commander, Homicide Squad.
Please note that the witness list is subject to change and additional witnesses may be added in due course.
The timetable for the serving of written submissions in relation to this hearing will proceed as follows:
- Submissions of Counsel Assisting to be served by 16 October 2023;
- Submissions of interested parties to be served by 23 October 2023; and
- Reply submissions of Counsel Assisting to be served by 30 October 2023.
The Honourable Justice John Sackar will preside at the hearing. Counsel Assisting the Inquiry will be Peter Gray SC, Meg O’Brien, Claire Palmer and William de Mars.
Any person or organisation with a direct and substantial interest in the subject matter of this hearing, as outlined in Practice Guideline 1 [PDF, 179 KB], is able to make an application for authorisation to appear by 5pm on Friday, 15 September 2023. Any party granted authorisation to appear at previous stages of Public Hearing 2 does not need to reapply.
Journalists wishing to cover the hearing should notify the Inquiry’s media team to ensure access to the media room and/or relevant information including schedules and transcripts.
All inquiries in relation to the hearing should be directed to [email protected].
The schedule is subject to change and does not necessarily contain all activities, hearings and engagements that the Inquiry will undertake.
It will be updated as more information becomes available.